the Sunday Addition

This week’s Sunday additions complete a very watery cycle! Please come back to check out the Mandala Gallery every week to see what’s new. And since we’re entering the Aries gate of awareness tomorrow, next week … fire!

In the meantime … be amazed and amazing in every moment.

PS If you are really enjoying the mandalas, please check out my photo blog, Mandalas of Place. The mandala above is from this growing collection of mandalas created from photos of the special and everyday places in our lives.

the Sunday Addition

Enjoy this week’s additions to the Mandala Gallery in Mandala Reflections. Come back throughout the week and play with a different mandala everyday. Whether you choose to simply sit with a mandala and see what message it has for you, a word or a phrase, Or choose to work through the suggestions for deeper journaling with a mandala, may you gain awareness, insight and inspiration.

Be amazed and amazing.

PS The mandala in this post is a favorite from my photo blog Mandalas of Place – mandalas created from photographs of the special and ordinary, always significant places in our lives. Visit soon and Enjoy!

Smile … Someone’s Watching

As we walk through our day we encounter so many kinds of faces. Scowling, happy, frustrated, deep-in-thought, anxious, distracted, carefree, infectiously grinning. And whether we realize it or not, each face really has the power to affect the way we feel.

No doubt a genuine heartfelt smile makes us feel better.

So what face do you encounter in the mirror? Is it critiquing, assessing, judging, or gentle, happy-to-see you, lovingly smiling?

Over the next few days, notice the face you see in the mirror. And then take a moment to smile an honest to goodness from the heart smile.

And be amazed at your shiny bright self. Amazing.

Love the Life You Live

“Love the Life you Live,
Live the Life you Love”
―Bob Marley

Whether your new year’s resolutions are fading into the background or taking full purposeful presence in your every day, I wanted to share a little wisdom from Bob Marley – Love the life you live.

So please, as you are walking your chosen path of awakening, creativity, or all purpose personal improvement, do not think any less of yourself for not being now what you are becoming. You are here to extend acts of kindness to yourself. You are here to be magic, you are here to be joy, you are here to be love in every moment. You are here to love life, your life.

Be amazed. Be amazing. Share your life. Share your love.