Fill Up

“If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.”         Daisaku Ikeda

Fill your mind and your heart with a love for life. That’s all you’ll need today to gain clarity and perspective. That’s all you’ll need to consciously create your best self.

Enough said!

a safe place

When I was a little girl and had really bad wake up in the middle of the night kind of dreams, my mother would soothe me and tell me to go back to bed to dream that I was somewhere beautiful, like in the middle of a field of flowers. I’m realizing this was probably my very first meditation practice. I would go back to bed and imagine the most beautiful sun filled field of flowers my little five year old self could muster. Relaxing and enjoying Life, everything would become peaceful and calm.

Today I follow pretty much the same steps. When I realize things are feeling overwhelming, swirly and generally out of my control, I go to the Inner and take a moment to release whatever craziness is happening. I feel into the stillness and calm of a quieted mind. And then I’m ready to step into whatever Life has for me. It’s usually pretty great!

Where is your safe place?

When It Rains

Its raining today. Second day of grey, cold drippiness and already I’m feeling a little down. I find it interesting that even with all the awareness I can muster, something like lack of sun beaming down on me can so easily dampen my emotional space. I’m realizing I have accumulated and patterned reactions to even the simplest events – like a rainy day.

This gift of realization comes via the clear vision of my two year old grand daughter.  My daughter recently shared the following story. “Loving the positivity a young perspective can bring! Looking out into the cold gray rain Chloe said ‘fresh rain, refreshing rain’ and so the weather here went from gloomy and cold to FRESH & REFRESHING!” And so it has. Even the birds playing in the fountain are in agreement.

The youngest among us can be our true teachers.